Reach Every Student & Create Real World Experiences

Have a Direct Effect

At Direct Effect, we are diverse people working toward a single purpose. We’re committed to educating future marketers on how to integrate mail with digital marketing. And we strive to make them unstoppable.

We measure success in students helped and knowledge shared.

Our Vision

The Direct Effect Academic Outreach program delivers educational content as a public service to students and faculty through four primary offerings:

E-Learning & Certification
Complete online courses and certification on mail
and integrated marketing topics.
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Direct Effect® Innovation Challenges
Develop real-world marketing campaigns through experiential learning.
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Classroom Tools
Learn about marketing industry concepts, players, and innovations with engaging course curriculum.
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Classroom Speakers
Hear from printing, mailing, and
marketing industry ambassadors.
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Our Community

171 Schools are onboard with Direct Effect!

Industry Supporters

Would your organization like to serve as a live-client or support an Innovation
Challenge as a sponsor? There are plenty of ways to get involved.

Get in touch by emailing

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Direct Effect® 
Advisory Board 

All Direct Effect® educational resources are carefully curated with the guidance of our board of faculty and industry advisors. The Advisory Board meets on a quarterly basis to discuss program progress and planning and to improve upon Direct Effect® offerings.

Faculty Members
  • Assist in the creation of content that is useful for professors in preparing students for their future careers.
  • Help scale the program and bring more schools into the program.
Industry Members
  • Help create industry connections, including recruitment of live clients for Direct Effect® Innovation Challenges.
  • Ground the program in current industry trends, such as new printing technology and digital integrations.

Interested in becoming a member? Email us!

Douglas Davis
Strategist, Author, and Professor
Brooklyn-based Douglas Davis is an Emmy Award-winning strategist and author of Creative Strategy and the Business of Design. He sits on the advisory boards of the Poster House Museum’s CMYK Council, The Type Director’s Club, The University of Oregon’s Masters in Advertising and Brand Responsibility, and City College’s Masters in Branding and Integrated Communications.

Doug Ott
Marketing Instructor, Florida A&M University
Since Fall 2018, Doug Ott has served as a Marketing Instructor at Florida A&M University (FAMU), teaching advertising, professional selling, sales management and sports marketing classes. At FAMU, he has developed strong industry partnerships, such as the first HBCU partnership with Amazon and partnership with the U.S. Postal Service's Direct Effect® Program. 

Dr. Christine Hagedorn
Business Professor, Rosemont College
Dr. Hagedorn teaches a variety of business courses and advises multiple student clubs as part of her faculty role at Rosemont College’s business department. As Social Sciences Division Chairperson and NCAA Faculty Advisor, Dr. Hagedorn connects with students from a variety of academic, cultural, social, and economic and backgrounds and creates an atmosphere of inclusion that celebrates diversity and the joy of seeking truth. 

Cindy McCalip
Vice President, Naval Aviation Museum Foundation
Cindy McCalip serves as the Vice President of the Naval Aviation Museum Foundation and National Flight Academy, a STEM Program for 7th thru 12th graders, located on NAS Pensacola Military Base. As the VP, Cindy works with senior military leaders, corporate executives, and educational leaders to bring national attention to the Museum and Flight Academy.  

Dr. J. Betty Feng
Associate Professor of International Business, Farmingdale State College  
Dr. J. Betty Feng is an Associate Professor at SUNY-Farmingdale StateCollege (FSC). Dr. Feng teaches courses relating to international business, and her research focuses on cross-cultural management. She has served as the faculty advisor for the NYS Business Plan Competition and established an annual Direct Effect Innovation Challenge at FSC.

Bri Farrand
Communications Coordinator, America250PA
Bri Farrand is a graphic designer and creative strategist based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She currently works as a Communications Coordinator for America250PA – Pennsylvania’s State Commission for the U.S. Semiquincentennial. Bri was a student participant in the 2019 Direct Effect Innovation Challenge and hopes to be a voice for students on the Advisory Board.

Dr. Arvind Agrawal
Assistant Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship, University of Nebraska at Omaha  
Dr. Arvind Agrawal is a marketing professional who has chosen an academic career. His courses impart practical insights and include a project component that is developed in partnership with a business. He endeavors to teach students skills that they can directly apply in their careers. His research investigates consumers' choices and decision-making processes in the context of payment types, advertising, and students as a consumer segment.

Lisa Arsenault
Senior Vice President of Sales, Lake County Press  
As the SVP of sales at Lake County Press, Lisa Arsenault provides dynamic, strategic, results driven leader with 25+ years of sales and executive experience in the print and communications industry.

Advisory Board Members Emeritus